Andrei Nejur, Teseo Schneider, Danielle Panozzo, Masoud Akbarzadeh
Project Date
This work was supported by National Science Foundation CAREER Award (CMMI-1944691).
Tetra is an add-on for Rhino3d and Grasshopper that brings tetrahedralization and remeshing capabilities to the platform. Under the hood Tetra leverages the extremely robust fTetWild c++ tetrahedralization library. Tetra brings separate add-ons for Rhino 6/7 and Grasshooper 6/7. For now only windows versions are available. You can download the specific implementation following the download link towards Food4Rhino. Each version comes with a specific manual.
Tetra was developed in collaboration with Université de Montréal École d’Architecture, University of Victoria Department of Computer Science, and Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University.
See below for a couple of videos of Tetra in action.