Yao Lu received Hangai Prize 2022

Yao Lu received Hangai Prize 2022

Congratulations to Yao Lu, our exceptional Ph.D. researcher, for winning the Hangai Prize at the IASS 2022 for his research on multi-layered sheet-based funicular forms.

PSL Exhibits at NYCxDesign Event

PSL Exhibits at NYCxDesign Event

Polyhedral Structures Laboratory and Evenscape NY had an exhibition and a roundtable as part of the NYCxDesign event.

Dr. Masoud Akbarzadeh presents at Princeton

Dr. Masoud Akbarzadeh presents at Princeton

Dr. Masoud Akbarzadeh will present Polyhedral Structures Laboratory’s recent research at Princeton University, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department.

ASCE Structures Congress 2022

ASCE Structures Congress 2022

Dr. Josephine Carstensen and Dr. Masoud Akbarzadeh are co-organizing the Optimized Structural Design Session for Structures Congress 2022.