Dr. Márton Hablicsek

Dr. Márton Hablicsek

  Dr. Márton Hablicsek Research Associate Márton Hablicsek is currently a tenured assistant professor of mathematics at Leiden University in the Netherlands, and a research associate at PSL. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Copenhagen and the...
Dr. Andrei Nejur

Dr. Andrei Nejur

  Dr. Andrei Nejur Research Associate Andrei is a practicing architect, an educator with over 16 years of experience in architectural higher education. He holds a bachelor a masters and a PhD in Architecture and computation – (with highest distinction) from the...
Dr. Mathias Bernhard

Dr. Mathias Bernhard

  Dr. Mathias Bernhard Research Associate Dr. Mathias Bernhard is a Research Associate at PSL. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Weitzman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania. Before that, he was a postdoc at Digital Building Technologies, ETH...
Dr. Maximilian E. Ororbia

Dr. Maximilian E. Ororbia

  Dr. Maximilian E. Ororbia Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Maximilian E. Ororbia is a postdoctoral fellow at University of Pennsylvania, Weitzman School of Design, in the Polyhedral Structures Laboratory. Max holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the Pennsylvania...
Dr. Mostafa Akbari

Dr. Mostafa Akbari

  Dr. Mostafa Akbari PhD Researcher Mostafa is a computational designer and researcher with a background in Architectural design and computation. He is currently a PhD candidate at the Polyhedral Structures Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania. He has graduated...