

  Sangu Support Staff Meet Sangu, our lab’s mood-booster, who is often seen with Hua! Sangu is a fluffy bundle of joy and never fails to bring a smile to everyone’s face. With his curious personality, Sangu is always up for different kinds of rub not...


  Chicken Support Staff Chicken is an artist-in-residence and professional treat checker at Polyhedral Structures Laboratory, born on the street, fostered at SPCA, and is now funded by Teng. Each day, Chicken is tightly scheduled with multiple tasks, including...


  June Support Staff At three years old, June, our long-haired fur-ball, is convinced she’s human. She’s part lab mascot, part male cat bouncer (Chicken, we’re looking at you), and part food critic for Teng, her favorite human-cum-chef....
Dr. Hao Zheng

Dr. Hao Zheng

  Dr. Hao Zheng PhD Researcher Dr. Hao Zheng currently serves as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. He graduated from the Ph.D. program at the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in...
Dr. Salma Mozaffari

Dr. Salma Mozaffari

  Dr. Salma Mozaffari Research Associate Dr. Salma Mozaffari was a research associate at PSL. She received her Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Structural Engineering at ETH Zurich and was co-advised by Dr. Akbarzadeh at PSL. Her doctoral research focuses on...