Dr. Hamed Hamidi

Dr. Hamed Hamidi

  Dr. Hamed Hamidi Visiting Scholar Hamed Hamidi was a visiting scholar at PSL. Before joining PSL, He has been an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Babol Noshirvani University of Technology. Hamed obtained his Ph.D. degree in...
Dr. Faisal Mukhtar

Dr. Faisal Mukhtar

  Dr. Faisal Mukhtar Visiting Scholar Dr. Faisal Mukhtar is a visiting research scholar at the Polyhedral Structures Laboratory, Weitzman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania. He holds the position of Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and...
Yi Guo

Yi Guo

  Yi Guo Research Assistant Yi Guo was a research assistant at Polyhedral Structures Laboratory. Majoring in Computer Graphics and Game Technology, Yi was graduate student in the Computer and Information Science department at the University of Pennsylvania. His...
Kaixiang Miao

Kaixiang Miao

  Kaixiang Miao Research Assistant Kaixiang was a research assistant at Polyhedral Structures Laboratory and one of the main contributors of the WebGL-based online Polyhedral Graphic Statics tool at its early stage. Currently he is working at Microsoft Azure as a...
Shuai (Shrek) Shao

Shuai (Shrek) Shao

  Shuai (Shrek) Shao Research Assistant Shrek was a master student majoring in Computer and Information Science at University of Pennsylvania. As a research assistant at Polyhedral Structures Laboratory, Shrek helped set up the first version of the PolyFrame...