Dr. Maximilian E. Ororbia

Dr. Maximilian E. Ororbia

  Dr. Maximilian E. Ororbia Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Maximilian E. Ororbia is a postdoctoral fellow at University of Pennsylvania, Weitzman School of Design, in the Polyhedral Structures Laboratory. Max holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the Pennsylvania...
Dr. Mostafa Akbari

Dr. Mostafa Akbari

  Dr. Mostafa Akbari PhD Researcher Mostafa is a computational designer and researcher with a background in Architectural design and computation. He is currently a PhD candidate at the Polyhedral Structures Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania. He has graduated...
Dr. Yao Lu

Dr. Yao Lu

  Dr. Yao Lu PhD Researcher Yao Lu is currently an Assistant Professor of Architecture at Thomas Jefferson University and a Ph.D. researcher at the Polyhedral Structures Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania. He holds an M.S. in Matter Design Computation from...
Hua Chai

Hua Chai

  Hua Chai PhD Student Hua Chai is a full-time design researcher and engineer at PSL. He holds a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation, and a Bachelor of Engineering...
Teng Teng

Teng Teng

  Teng Teng PhD Student Teng Teng is a doctoral student and research fellow at the Polyhedral Structures Laboratory, Weitzman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania. He is an interdisciplinary researcher as well as an experienced architect. He holds two...
Zherui Wang

Zherui Wang

  Zherui Wang PhD Candidate Zherui is a designer and researcher currently conducting his doctoral work between CEBD Thermal Architecture Lab and the Polyhedral Structures Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design. His...